Why does finding a church have to be so difficult?
I think we must be too picky but I don't have any idea how to change that. The church we've been attending for the last few months just isn't working. The past 2 sermons we have heard have contained things that just aren't Biblical. There is always little to no law and lots of fluff. That combined with other less important things is just too much. None of us want to go to church anymore, we all dread what will be said or happen next. We are already driving over an hour and I don't want to even consider going any further. Our best options are 3+ hours away but when church starts at 8 or 9am that option becomes too much for even once a month, and that's not even taking into consideration the cost of fuel. I know I'm whining but I'm just so frustrated!
The Father of the House can lead his family in matins, vespers, compline, etc. Whatever works for your schedule. Then when you do have the opportunity to attend the Mass somewhere you trust, you can go there.
Hope that's helpful. These days it's such a wasteland with very few oasis's of proper doctrine and practice.
Don't forget the sermons available online. Most of Pastor Petersen's are on the Redeemer site, and many other wonderful preachers post theirs on their blogs or church websites.
I can't imagine how awful it would be to just not be able to get to a decent church
There are also solid churches out there that offer podcasts of their services. Like mine! And Scott's, right? But of course, you can't get communion through the internet. Is there a church that perhaps doesn't have the best preaching or liturgy but nevertheless has sound communion practice so that you could at least partake of the Lord's supper, at least monthly if not every week?
I am so sorry for you and your family, Kim, that this has to be so hard.
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